Peaceful Henry (Original Cover)
Composer: E. Harry Kelly
Publisher: Carl Hoffman
Copyright: 1901
Cover: P.C. McCarty
Collectible Value: $70.00
Category: Folk Piano Rag
Pattern: Intro A A B B Trio Trio D D1 Trio1 B1
Difficulty (1 to 5): * *
Peaceful Henry (Common Cover)
Composer: E. Harry Kelly
Publisher: Whitney Warner Publishing
Copyright: 1903
Cover: Unknown
Collectible Value: $20.00
Category: Folk Piano Rag
Pattern: Intro A A B B Trio Trio D D1 Trio1 B1
Difficulty (1 to 5): * *
Peaceful Henry (Song)
Music: E. Harry Kelly
Lyrics: Seymour Rice
Publisher: Whitney Warner Publishing
Copyright: 1903
Cover: T.S.
Collectible Value: $40.00
Category: Folk Piano Rag Song
Pattern: Intro Vs1 Ch Vs2 Ch
Difficulty (1 to 5): *
Performer: Bill Edwards