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Good Morning Ragtime Fans! - Thursday March 27, 2025
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Established:June 1997
Author:All content written, coded, illustrated, maintained and posted by Bill Edwards
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The Music, Art and Life of E.T. Paull
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This comprehensive book covers more than just the life of this composer who was for many second only to John Philip Sousa as a march composer in the early 20th Century, but is now all but forgotten. The 400 page book contains many fully restored color cover images from his spectacular catalog, a sheetography listing of his own compositions and those he published, a discography, information on the artists and composers, a breakdown on lithography and lithographers, a collector's guide, some history of music publishing in New York, and much more.

Paull managed to stay viable and prescient as both a composer and publisher during the ragtime era, even after shedding most of his early publications and putting out only two to three compositions a year after 1902, and more or less staying out of the realm of the more popular ragtime music. His work in the music publishing field also had impact on publishers and composer's rights, new sheet music standards for size and sales price, and other lobbying efforts that might surprise you.

In addition, this King of the Descriptive Piano March managed to find his way into piano benches all around the world. So one of his descriptive marches is broken into pieces in a study of the anatomy of this style of piece.

Early reviews have been very kind. A lot of information was turned up on this impressive figure, and as much as possible was squeezed in between the covers. Designed to be enjoyable for music historians, hobbyists, performers, collectors and art aficianados. Mailed copies will be personally inscribed on request. Books sent via media USPS unless otherwise requested, for which appropriate charges will be calculated.

Lovely Laughing Lucille Better With Age Chinese Checkers
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This award-winning piece was written for the 2014 Blind Boone Festival Rag Composition Contest in honor of the festival's driving force, Lucille Salerno. It is a combination waltz/rag/stride piece of moderate difficulty, but will bring Lucille's warmth and smiles to any piano.

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Commissioned by Ragtime supporter and mega-fan Danny Matson, this mildly complex multi-meter work opens the CD that he produced of contemporary ragtime titled Ragtime Wizardry. The changing time signatures and occasional pauses are the largest challenge of this otherwise poignant rag.

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Composed for the new rag competition at the 2009 World Championship of Old-Time Piano Playing, this novelty calls upon as many stereotypes as could be found using American impressions of Chinese music. Lighthearted, and not intended to poke fun at anything except the stereotypes.

The Crocodile Stomp The Radio's Gone Silent The Tuxedo Cat Rag Muskoka Falls - An Indian Idyl
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Debuted at the 2007 Old-Time Piano New Rag Contest, this piece was was composed in memory of the late Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, and straddles the styles of Jelly Roll Morton, Fats Waller and James P. Johnson in a straightforward hot-piano romp that is also purely Bill E.

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Debuted at the 2005 Old-Time Piano New Rag Contest, this piece is in memory of my late stepfather, Sam Edwards, a fixture on national radio from the 1930s into the 1960s, along with films and TV into the 1980s. It includes some interpolated radio themes, and is a sycnopated reverie of his favorite medium.

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Written by request to commemorate the unncessary addition of another cat into our home, this whimsical and mysterious rag embodies some elements of tuxedo cats, such as playfulness and stealth, and could be played at the Tuxedo Cat's Ball. Placed well in the 2004 Old-Time Piano New Rag Contest.

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A piece started by ragtime composer Joseph F. Lamb over a century ago that I was honored to be asked to completed, it is a charming follow-up to the famed piece Hiawatha, and a pleasant tone-poem. Falls under the fingers nicely. Written for the Muskoka Falls region of Ontario, Canada.

The Wiener Schnitzel Rag The Ragtime Pamela The Necromancer - A Mystic Syncopation The Piano Tuner's Nightmare
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An Austrian style polka fused with popular rag format, this 2002 winner of the Old Time Piano New Rag Contest will have you strapping on your lederhosen and dancing round the living room - unless you're the pianist, of course. And PLEASE - NO ACCORDIONS!

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A vivacious piece that combines elements of popular ragtime, novelty piano, and a little bit of Charleston thrown in to boot. It is named after the lovely Mrs. "Perfessor" Bill. Runner up in the 2000 World Championship of Old Time Piano New Rag Contest.

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2001 winner of the Old Time Piano Championship New Rag Contest, this is a mystic syncopation in the vein of late 20th century ragtime rather than earlier in the era. There are snippets of Dukas' Sorceror's Apprentice lurking in the trio. Demands a wide dynamic range and good tempo control.

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This is the first of many pieces now released that was written by Terwilliger "Thumbs" Malone, a rightfully forgotten Los Angeles based ragtime composer, about whom Bill is creating, er, writing a bio. Requires minor tuning skills for an effective performance.

The Hanon Rag A Nocturne In Ragtime Buck's Banjo Pride of the Prairie
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The format of the cover says it all (in a whimsical manner). Written for a college course (which resulted in an A), this is a true rag based on many of the famous C. L. Hanon exercises. First recorded by Ragtime Sue Keller, and now all over the internet and the world.

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Loosely based on some of Fredric Chopin's famous Nocturnes, this flowing syncopated piece has many classical elements interspersed, and is to be performed in the same manner as the other Notcturnes; preferably on a grand piano.

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Buck Kelly was one of the finest plectrum banjo players of our time. This cakewalk, based in part on some of his favorite themes, was composed for and performed at his memorial. Can be performed as a piano solo or with banjo.

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Written for the 1999 New Rag Contest on the 25th year of the World Championship of Old-Time Piano Playing formerly held in Decatur, Illinois, it is a classic rag in the Lamb tradition dedicated to my fans in the town that carries the same slogan as the title.

Blood on the Keys The Mechanics Rag Calliope Rag Ragapples
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From a title suggested by Sue Keller, this rousing piece is partially based on the old pirate melody, Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum, and is just pure fun. Also makes a great left hand exercise, and the title will become clearer as you play through it repeatedly!

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Composed by the "Perfessor's" good friend Marty Mincer, this is a delightful piece in the style of early folk rags, is relatively easy to learn and fun to play, but most certainly not for those who are mechanically disinclined!

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An expansion by the late Bob Darch on a theme originally jotted down by James Scott, this version has been rearranged more in the style of a Scott piano rag with Mr. Darch's blessing. Includes a calliope reduction.

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Whimsical and fun, this is the first collaboration between Perfessor Bill and Farmer Marty. It is fairly easy to play until you get to the trio, but once you get to the core of this rag it's sure to blossom on you as you branch out into each section. Tree-mendous fun.


To find even more Ragtime Recordings on CD, Vinyl or Tape, including rare items, go to GEMM, because if it ain't there, you can pretty much fuhgeddaboudit!
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Ragtime Webring-Dedicated To Scott Joplin

The Ragtime Webring-Dedicated to Scott Joplin and the music of the Ragtime Era, this ring is an invaluable resource for jazz music lovers, musicians and historians. Sheet music, midi files, afro-american history, record collectors...

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There are lots of great ragtime recordings by top artists available from
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Including some of my recommended favorites:
Max Morath Dick Hyman Dick Zimmerman
Paul Lingle Wally Rose Lu Watters
James P. Johnson Tony Caramia Squirrel Nut Zippers
Marcus Roberts Butch Thompson Jelly Roll Morton
Glenn Jenks Sue Keller Fats Waller
The Good Time Jazz Catalog and Bill's personal favorites, The Firehouse Five+2!

And don't miss these movies which include some ragtime music:
The Jazz Singer The Sting
Alexander's Ragtime Band Scott Joplin
The Legend of 1900 Ragtime
For Me and My Gal Meet Me In St. Louis
In the Good Old Summertime Take Me Out to the Ball Game
The Jolson Story Jolson Sings Again
Cheaper by the Dozen San Francisco
Somewhere in Time Titanic (1953)
The Other Pretty Baby
42nd Street Reds
The Son of Kong Story of Vernon and Irene Castle
Cheyenne Social Club The Shootist
How To Dance Through Time - Dances of the Ragtime Era

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