At an early age Marty displayed a propensity for syncopation, much to the chagrin and annoyance of his first piano teacher — his grandmother. A native of Hamburg, Iowa, where he still lives, Mr. Mincer was raised in an area rich with folk and ragtime influence.

Combining styles of classic ragtime, early country, bluegrass and folk music, along with more than just a bit of his down-home humor, Marty's performance style has an old-time charm not often found among other artists that are "high-tech" or virtuosic in nature. This is not to diminish his playing capabilities by any means, since Marty's technical skills are very evident to the listener from the start, whether it in live performance or on his carefully crafted CD recordings.
Marty is the owner of
Mincer Orchard & Farms in Hamburg at the entrance to the highly popular
Waubonsie State Park. The orchard has long been known for its high-quality Iowa apples and apple cider, and the occasional cherry, which sometimes puts the owner out on a limb. He and his wife Amy will gladly serve up apples or cider or ragtime or just pleasant conversation to any of the guests who stop by at their store at the park entrance.
Marty has also been an O.T.R. Truck Driver in the recent past (although O.T.R. does not stand for On To RAGTIME!). Mr. Mincer is equally at home sitting in front of a computer, a piano, or the steering wheel of a tractor or big rig. These vocations have helped to keep Marty well-grounded in many respects, and the experiences are often related in his straightforward humor and delivery.
Ragtime is his true musical passion. Marty has played throughout the country for civic groups, riverboat and ocean cruises, festivals, dinner theaters, etc. and has won or placed in a number of competitions. Most notable of these is the annual
World Championship of Old-Time Piano Playing, which was held in Illinois from 1975 to 2015. In 1990 and 1993, Marty took home the gold medal, and has a collection of silver and bronze medals from other years. He has also appeared frequently in Sedalia at the annual Scott Joplin Festival, including several venues and concerts on several occasions since the late 1990s. One of the highlights of the Old-Time Competition weekend and more recently in Sedalia is when Marty sits at one piano opposite his sparring partner "Perfessor" Bill Edwards, and they "du-et" as long as they can, much to the delight of the gathered throngs, finding that they don't have to play "so-lo" that they can't be heard. Marty and Bill have made concert appearances elsewhere throughout the US, and have produced a recorded collection of their renowned two-piano duets,
The All American Ragtime Boys.
Marty Mincer is available for concerts, school shows, public gatherings, industrial events and private functions. The mixture of dazzling piano performances and humor will keep any audience engaged for an unforgettable evening of fun. If requested, he can also be joined by Bill Edwards or other talented friends to enhance the performance. You can learn more by sending a message directly to Marty at
